
OBJ 35 single-side longitudinal cutter


The saw is intended for one-side cutting of boards. This type of cutter may be used to cut boards of a length of up to 6 meters of length. The board (log) rests on a frame and the cutting header, equipped with clamping rollers and splitting wedges allows for cutting in both directions, without empty runs. We perform the first cut as per indication of, e.g. laser line. The second cut can be made in three different ways, depending on what we aim to accomplish.

1. According to laser line again – maximum wood gain, still the board can be converging, still – for example during roof boarding we may compensate for that by placing the boards next to another.

2. Without turning the board – we slide it to the limiter and then we may cut parallel boards up to 16 centimeters wide

3. Turning the board (over) we may slide it to the other limiter that allows us to cut parallel boards up to 35 centimeters wide.

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